Vaporizer or vaporizers are intended to evaporate herbs such as medicinal cannabis or in its raw form WAX only!
The Vaporizer is the cleanest, most healthy, convenient, and efficient evaporation device, and is used to consume medicinal Plants , combination with latest technology that has been adapted and developed over the years.
What are the advantages of the Vaporizer?
The normal smoking burns the canabis and insert into our body smoke that is very harmful just like smoking cigarettes and even more, in addition to the result of the burning delicate molecules of the healt plan are injured - which does not happen in Vaporizer!
The vaporizer creates presice heating for the canabis and the result are:
- Steam/vapor only without the addition of toxic of smoke
- Utilizing the full plant phenomenon
- Effectiveness of the material for a longer time effect
- And it's easier to smoke (even for people who have not smoked a cigarette in their lives)
In addition, the temperature adjustment option in the advanced devices affects the vaporation effects and helps the user to find the precise level of power that is convenient for him and which makes him the best effect!